Marco Cermusoni

Marco Cermusoni

Vancouver / Bern, He/him

Work Experience

2023 — Now
Switzerland / Canada
  • Developed use case for XR program for Canadian Emily Carr University of Art and Design

  • Helped develop internal XR pipeline for high-end fashion company

  • Created and held workshops for institutions to identify potential use-cases for spatial technology

2019 — 2023
Vancouver, BC
  • Shipped 4 social VR experiences, 5 hybrid XR events and 1 VR videoclip

  • Formed formal development partnerships with capture studios and business partnerships with key clients

  • Raised seed capital and led funding round

  • Created an efficient eye-level team culture over 3 time zones based on tracking, candor and self-reflection.

  • Developed a comprehensive and scalable social XR platform utilizing Unity3D, which included features such as:

    • Social interactions, voice chat & other social features

    • Mini CDN for 360 and 2D content streaming

    • Event-system incl. screen sharing & timed media playback

    • Modular & virtually infinitely horizontally scalable

    • Networked Interactions toolset for Game Designers

    • Development tools such as audio-tools for composers, recording tools for media & remote build capabilities

    • 45 concurrent users per instance

2017 — 2019
Vancouver, BC
  • Led product development team to Series A by improving Android and iOS platform

  • Led production of features for communities around disease types (Alzheimer's, Thalassemia, MS)

  • Doubled user base by growing it from 35 to over 85 countries

  • Modularized platform & shipped customized white label apps for Pharma customers (Novartis & AbbVie)

  • Localized platform into 4 new languages

  • Achieved GDPR compliance


University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
The Ethics of Creative AI at WOIT Regatta
Northeastern University



Futuristic tech disguised as retrograde machinery - debating as anyone about anything. "Truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis which reconciles the two." - G. Hegel

Corporate Training at Boss Info

Multiplayer VR Puzzle Game for employee onboarding


Multiplayer VR murder mystery with collaborative puzzles and volumetrically captured actors. Developed in conjunction with Departure Lounge.


Social XR arts and culture space for francophone content.
Featured interactive art gallery, 360 videos and social events.


Interactive social VR space with live events such as meetups and presentations. Featured 11 best-of-class XR experiences selected by the Cannes Film Festival. Available on most Desktop VR headsets and Oculus Quest.

Connect22 at Temasek Holdings

Hybrid event in Singapore, China and online in a social VR space, anchored in a physical location in the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore.


Custom buildout of VR Cinema using motorized VR chairs and animated mapped projections. Developed in conjunction with Positron and the almighty Jess Coble.


Recurring hybrid event highlighting local and international immersive artworks. Held in-person and online in Espace V

Side Projects


Generated a scene using Gaussian Splats, integrated it into unity and created a VR prototype of the Amazing Laughter


For this year's version of the VRT, I built a LAN build deployment tool using PowerShell that allowed us to update builds and experiences simultaneously across all ca. 30 host machines.

VR Theater 2022 at ACM SIGGRAPH

As technical director, I coach students to build a virtual lobby and made sure technical infrastructure can support the spectacle.

VR Theater 2019 at ACM SIGGRAPH

Acted as producer to plan and build the virtual and physical space and event.

VR Theather 2018 at ACM SIGGRAPH

Committee member and contributor to virtual and physical space for the VR Theater

